2022 Wrap: A New World

2022 Wrap: A New World

A year that I will never forget...

This year was crazy and I will remember it forever, let me tell you about it..

The year 2022 was one of my best years till now. It changed my life completely, from being an introvert to a somewhat extrovert and from having no idea about the future to having a goal and motivation to work harder each and every day.

This year I joined the CSE Engineering field with no idea what to do there. I literally had no idea about anything and only knew the names of a few programming languages i.e C, C++, and Python. After joining, as I didn’t know anyone there was demotivating. Then I made some new friends and while in that I met Tejas. He was the one who introduced me to programming and made me interested in that. To be honest, I didn’t even know what CSS was at that time. We used to talk about Programming daily during college hours, which motivated me to learn daily. And seeing him I started learning to program.

And guess what I started with Python. I practiced python by referring Automate Boring Stuff with Python Book which was textbook for 5th Semester students and I being in the 1st Semester was borrowing it from the library. It was kind of a weird experience😂😂

After that, another lucky moment happened, where in CPS Lab I met a Professor whose name is Shailesh Shetty. He is a CS professor at my college and was teaching here for 11 years, and he mentored me. He introduced me to his students who are my seniors (Final years) and, no words for them, they are by far the best seniors anyone can ever get. They are so friendly and always ready to help me and guide me. They never treated me as a junior, they even let me sit in their class during lectures 😂. They told me about new concepts and helped me when I was stuck.

That's all about the college now let's start with my programming journey...

Talking about my programming journey, it was really from 0.

In the first semester, I used Python for like 2 months to build projects using various libraries like Tkinter, Pygame (which a friend suggested who is from Romania whom I met in Discord), and other small libraries. Using Tkinter I realized that designing apps is so fun and I really enjoyed it.

And then this happened, Tejas was a backend developer and he knew a lot about the web and suggested that I try Web Development (which I didn't know anything about). I started 100DaysOfCode for Frontend Development where I started with HTML, then CSS, and built a few HTML and CSS-only projects. But then I had to stop it because of my exam and renamed it as 30DaysOfCode 🫠🫠

Then I started with JavaScript, learning basic concepts, and building projects using JavaScript and APIs, and everything was going fine until I came across the JavaScript framework ‘React.js’. After that, it was so addicting. I loved it so much and my motivation was at its peak. At first, I didn't understand anything, but later after some practice, I started to understand it and work better with it. I built many projects in React. Also during the start of the 4th Quarter, I got a remote internship as a frontend developer in a company in Bangalore. There I built frontend for e-commerce websites and learned much more about development.

My goal is to learn Full Stack Development, so I started learning backend using ExpressJs and MongoDB, which is still in progress. Tejas was the master of the backend but he was using PHP Laravel which I didn't like much so I carried with the MERN stack.

Also at the end of the year, my senior suggested I should use Linux full-time, I was using ubuntu in the virtual box but it was not a great experience. He told me about various distros and then suggested using Garuda Linux and mannnn the distro is so amazing, from the utility to animations to the overall experience it is top-notch. He installed it on my PC (dual boot) and since then I never switched back to Windows...

And you guessed it right, I am writing this blog in Garuda Linux

So this is my wrap of 2022 about all the life-changing things that happened this year, there were many events but these were the most memorable and significant ones.

This year I am looking to learn much more than last year. To learn Full stack Development and build new projects and also to explore new field, not related to Development (Maybe Data Science). Also to contribute to open source and learn more about it. Also, a thought to grow a community with my friends and motivate other people to learn to program.

Everything I learned was 100% free. Almost 90% of my learning is through youtube by many goated channels to mention a few -

  • FreeCodeCamp

  • WebDevSimplified

  • Traversy Media

  • Programming with Mosh

  • Code With Harry (For Python)

  • Kunal Kushwaha (For Java and DSA)

  • FireShip (To get brief about new technology)

So that's a wrap. Thank you for giving your time, and reading till the end.

Deveesh Shetty




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