#30 Days of Code

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

#30 Days of Code

Change of Plans


1 min read

I divided the 100 days of code for web development into 2 parts one is 30 days for HTML and CSS and a little JavaScript.

In the next half (it is more than half I know ๐Ÿ˜…), I will be focusing entirely on javaScript and maybe in the future its frameworks (libraries). First I want to be concentrated and good at javaScript.

So the first part comes to an end. JavaScript I will do in both Direct (like pushing in Github) and some in the freeCodeCamp website where there is a javaScript tutorial.

Also, I want to make handwritten notes for all the new things I learn so it may help me in future and also can learn better.

Github repository for 30 days of HTML and CSS
